Mis.sion.ary (n)We're all about building lifetime relationships and a refreshing encounter with Christ! We immerse our visiting partners into the warm Nicaraguan culture, work along side our Nicaraguan church members in their various church efforts, and best of all, experience God's presence in an unforgettable way. You will step out of your comfort zone and gain lifetime relationships and experiences that will renew and strengthen your life.
Go... and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19
Costs For Typical Mission Trip
Airfare can range anywhere from $600-$1000 (depending on departure location and travel date). For a typical week long mission trip, we suggest $400 for ground transportation, lodging accommodations, meals, and purified water. Thus, our total basic cost ranges from $950-$1350 per person for a 1 week trip. For other costs associated with a mission trip, see information below.
Before Mission Trip
Before Mission Trip
- Passport Fees vary; visit here for more information.
- Shots and immunizations vary; consult your doctor or a travel clinic. To view the CDC recommendations for Nicaragua, visit here.
- Government Entrance Fee into Nicaragua is $10 in cash, paid at the airport.
- Free Day activities (Beach, volcano, zip line) will cost $10-$25 in cash, So for these expenses and to purchase snacks and souvenirs, we suggest each person bring around $100
- Airport meals when traveling will vary, but plan for one meal each way.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of work does EFI Do?
EFI Nicaragua strives t0 encourage Pastors in Nicaragua to relate to one another as Members of the Greater Body of Christ through periodical local regional conferences and international conferences.
Provide accessible pastoral training with the International School of Ministry (ISOM) curriculum.
Provoke new Church plants by facilitating relationships between EFI churches in the US and their sister churches in Nicaragua
Promote unity and fellowship among our members.
Emphasize and encourage New Testament ministry.
Ordain and License ministers
Provide accessible pastoral training with the International School of Ministry (ISOM) curriculum.
Provoke new Church plants by facilitating relationships between EFI churches in the US and their sister churches in Nicaragua
Promote unity and fellowship among our members.
Emphasize and encourage New Testament ministry.
Ordain and License ministers
WHat kind of work will i be doing on a missions trip
Great question! There are various types of mission trips. We welcome: Evangelistic Campaigns, children's VBS, Youth rallies, conferences building projects, etc. We completely immerse mission trip partners like you into the local communities where we work. Working hand-in-hand with someone is the best way to build relationships and experience life change. On your last day you'll even get to experience Nicaraguan beach life, see inside a volcano, or zip-line through the canopies of trees on the slope of a volcano. Get ready to make new relationships, experience God in a new way, and practice your Spanish!
Your mission trip Costs
EFI Nicaragua suggests around $400 to cover ground transportation, accommodations in Nicaragua, meals, and purified water. Airfare can range from $400 to $1,000 depending on your departure city and dates of travel. You will also want to bring about $100 cash for Free Day expenses and souvenirs if you want. Add that all up and you get anywhere from $950- $1450.
Your mission trip requirements
- Do I need a passport to go on a mission trip? YES! And make sure it doesn’t expire for 6 months until after your scheduled trip (their rules, not ours). You do not need a visa if you are an American citizen. Other nationalities should check with their consulate regarding visa requirements.
- If you don’t have one, you can apply for one at a passport center which are often located in your local post office? When you book your trip make sure you put your exact full name on your airline reservation.
- Do I need any shots or prescriptions prior to leaving? You can never be too cautious. Shots are OPTIONAL. You should also be current on your Tetanus shot. Consult your family doctor, county health center or the CDC for more information.
- What about if I take medications or have any health conditions? Since Nicaragua is an extreme climate and a developing country, sometimes there are people with certain medical conditions that struggle here. If you have the following medical conditions or any questions, please contact us before you register for a trip or buy your flight: epilepsy, hemophilia, history of heat strokes, if you have been hospitalized within the past year, or any other conditions about which you are concerned. Sharing this information does not automatically mean you will be can't come on a trip, it just allows us to make the best decision possible about how to keep you safe and healthy should you join us in Nicaragua.
- If I am under 18 years of age, can I attend a trip without my parents? You will need a person who is at least 18 years old to act as your “Guardian” on the trip. If not your parent or legal guardian, you must have a written note stating that this person has their permission to travel with you to Nicaragua.
- There are several family mission trips scheduled each year. We recommend that children be at least 5 years old and have all recommended immunizations before they come to Nicaragua.
Do I need to know Spanish to go in this missions trip?
Nope! But we guarantee you'll go back home with a handful of Nicaraguan phrases and some conversational lingo. You'll be amazed at how much you'll be able to communicate and share Christ's love with others. We'll also have interpreters to help you when needed.
Will I be Safe on My missions trip
Absolutely! Your safety is our number one priority while you’re here. After you arrive at the airport in Managua, Nicaragua, you will be greeted by one of us and we will have a bus waiting to take you directly to your hotel. We are transported and stay together at our mission sites every day by our own buses. Remember, Nicaragua is rated as the safest country in Central America!
WHat will I eat each day
That’s a great question. The staff at our hostels provide a buffet that includes some variety of fruit, bread, cereal, juice, and coffee for breakfast. Dinner is usually rice and beans with a meat and salad. We won’t steer you wrong. We know everyone needs a nice hearty meal after a long work day. On your free day we may stop and eat at a restaurant or the food court at the mall. While on the worksite, we will pack our lunches (sandwiches, snacks, etc) the night before.
Previous Mission Trips with EFI Nicaragua...
Request Information
If you are interested in signing up for a mission trip, please send us a message below. We will contact you letting you know of available dates and mission projects. Please do not purchase your airfare until you have been approved for the dates you are requesting.